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クチコミ167件中 77件目を表示


2024/5/16 23:15:32

I love its scent. It is also a kind of herbal wood aroma that make me feel relaxed. It smoothes my hair after shampoo. The only down side that I dislike is it's tube type packaging. Because I normally did 1 push for right side of hair, and did another push for left side. Because it is a tube type, I have to hold with one hand, and squeeze with another hand, which is inconvenient for me because I have wash my hand first before I take another squeeze. Otherwise, I will need to wash the treatment tube after applying treatment. However, pump type treatment are troublesome as well when the amount became less at the end. Unlike shampoo that can add water to the bottle when it is going to use up, treatment have to "pour" out at the end. I hope Yusuke san can come up with a solution for the treatment bottle.

  • IMG_20240506_140029.… by Emeyaさん
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**あきまろ**さん **あきまろ**さん 毛先を重くツヤがほしい方におすすめ。 こっくりしたテクスチ…続きを読む




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